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Globins and Their Role in Oxidative Stress

Sophie Bernad (Associate Professor), Cécile Bouton (Senior Researcher), Valérie Derrien (Research Engineer), Céline Férard (Assitant Engineer)

We are interested in the biological function of globin family proteins at the molecular level. The objective is to assess the impact of physicochemical and biochemical parameters on their structure. We also explore the role of neuroglobin in the survival of cancer cells through integrated approaches in biochemistry and cellular biology.

About twenty years ago, several globins were discovered (cytoglobin, neuroglobin, globin X, rice hemoglobin), all with three-dimensional structures similar to known globins (hemoglobin and myoglobin). The most intriguing is probably neuroglobin, expressed in the brain and belonging to a branch of globins that diverged very early in evolution. Despite a wealth of literature, there is no consensus on its function. It may act as an O2 sensor, promote the survival of healthy (neuronal) or cancer cells, or detoxify reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Our work focuses on several of these new globins at both molecular and cellular levels.

We have developed a research focus on the reactivity of hexacoordinate globins with hydrogen peroxide, a molecule associated with oxidative stress, studied by time-resolved spectroscopy (stopped flow) using site-directed mutagenesis [Derrien2023]. A first part of our activity focuses on rice hemoglobin and the phenomenon of tyrosine dimerization that results from this peroxidase activity. In addition to these studies, we have collaborated since 2009 with Jaroslava Miksovska (Florida International University, USA) [Tangar2019, Butcher2018, Estevez2020]. We specifically study globin X, which has increased stability with respect to pH compared to other globins [Farhana2022].

Neuroglobin is also a strong focus in our research themes. Functional studies on neuroglobin have been published as part of Eric André's thesis [André2019] (collaboration with ICSN, Gif Sur Yvette, E. Lescop). We also contributed to an article exploring the link between hemoproteins and Alzheimer’s disease [ElKhoury2021].

Structure of Human Neuroglobin (pdb 1OJ6) (made with VMD software)

Breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) after incubation with Alexa-488 labeled human neuroglobin. In green: internalized Alexa-488 labeled neuroglobin. In red: plasma membranes (CellMask) and in blue: nuclei (Hoechst). Image obtained by spinning disk confocal microscopy (Imagerie-Gif platform).

Since 2022, we have initiated a cellular approach aimed at better understanding the biological function of neuroglobin in the survival of cancer cells, in collaboration with the Ionizing Radiation, Biosystems, and Nanoparticles team (Emilie Brun). We aim to answer several questions using cross-disciplinary approaches in biochemistry and cellular biology: How is neuroglobin regulated in cancer cells subjected to different stresses? Is its intracellular localization modified? Does it play a role as a messenger when excreted? We are currently exploring the potential function of extracellular neuroglobin in ferroptosis, a regulated iron-dependent cell death pathway.

Our preliminary results show internalization of exogenously added neuroglobin in breast cancer cells (MCF-7), observed by flow cytometry (SpICy technical platform), confocal imaging (Imagerie-Gif), and western blot analysis. We have also begun to study the impact of exogenous neuroglobin on the survival of breast cancer cells in response to chemical or physical inducers of ferroptosis, such as ionizing radiation [Lei2020] (AAP Bioprobe UPSaclay). Ferroptosis is currently a key target for cancer therapies aimed at eradicating chemoresistant tumors.


Ewen Lescop (ICSN, Gif Sur Yvette), Petra Hellwig (Strasbourg, unistra), Jaroslava Miksovska (FIU, USA)