ICP Directory
Unless otherwise specified, all email addresses are formatted as @universite-paris-saclay.fr
Direct phone numbers all begin with +33 (0)1 69 followed by the six digits of the extension.
Firstname Name | Status | Groupe scientifique / Service | Bât. | Téléphone | mail[at] |
Taous Abar | PhD Student | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 55 50 | taous.abar |
Tawakalit Abdulyekeen | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | tawakalit.abdulyekeen | |
Ninette Abou Mrad | Faculty | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 60 34 | ninette.abou-mrad |
Anaïs Abrousse | PhD Student | TEMiC | 350 | anais.abrousse | |
Daniel Adjei | ITA/BIATSS | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 31 43 | daniel.adjei |
Federica Agostini | Faculty | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 44 40 | federica.agostini |
Christian Alcaraz | Researcher | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 75 67 | christian.alcaraz |
Pierre Archirel | Volunteer Researcher | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 63 86 | pierre.archirel |
Julia Attard | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | julia.attard | |
Eva Audouin | PhD Student | CAPRI | 201 | eva.audouin | |
Laura Baciou | Researcher | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 77 11 | laura.baciou |
Dominique Bazin | Researcher | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 32 84 | dominique.bazin |
James Beauvil | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 55 44 | james.beauvil |
Théo Beguin | PhD Student | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 30 51 | theo.beguin |
Iheb Belarbi | PhD Student | CAPRI | 350 | iheb.belarbi | |
Jacqueline Belloni | Volunteer Researcher | TEMiC | 349 | jacqueline.belloni | |
Kaouther Ben Arfa Haddad | ITA/BIATSS | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 42 | kaouther.ben-arfa-haddad |
Mireille Benoit | ITA/BIATSS | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 56 03 | mireille.benoit |
Terkia Bettioui | PhD Student | CAPRI | 602 | terkia.bettioui | |
Isabelle Billault | Faculty | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 66 93 | isabelle.billault |
Tania Bizouarn | Researcher | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 30 16 | tania.bizouarn |
Myriam Bonose | Faculty | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 42 | myriam.bonose |
Thomas Boukéké-Lesplulier | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | thomas.boukeke | |
Yasmina Bousmah | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 56 18 | yasmina.bousmah |
Cécile Bouton | Researcher | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 56 11 | cecile.bouton |
Emeline Boyer | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | emeline.boyer | |
Emilie Brun | Faculty | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 42 74 | emilie.brun |
Bertrand Busson | Researcher | TEMiC | 201 | + 15 32 75 | bertrand.busson |
Fabien Cailliez | Faculty | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 32 49 | fabien.cailliez |
Carine Clavaguera | Researcher, TheoSim Group Leader | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 44 42 | carine.clavaguera |
Christophe Colbeau-Justin | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 66 95 | christophe.colbeau-justin |
Alexandre Dazzi | Faculty | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 32 76 | alexandre.dazzi |
Isabel Ines De Figueiredo Goncalves | PhD Student | CAPRI | 201 | isabel-ines.de-figueiredo-goncalves | |
Aurélien de la Lande | Researcher | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 73 98 | aurelien.de-la-lande |
Pedro De Oliveira | Faculty | TEMiC | 350 | + 15 47 34 | pedro.almeida-de-oliveira |
Marine De Person | Faculty | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 34 | marine.de-person |
Merciano Deazevedo | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 349 | + 15 56 14 | merciano.deazevedo |
Isabelle Demachy | Faculty | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 44 45 | isabelle.demachy |
Alexandre Demarque | ITA/BIATSS | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 30 26 | alexandre.demarque |
Ariane Deniset | Faculty | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 32 74 | ariane.deniset |
Sergey Denisov | Researcher | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 61 71 | sergey.denisov |
Valérie Derrien | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 56 09 | valerie.derrien |
Michèle Desouter-Lecomte | Faculty Emerita | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 81 46 | michele.desouter-lecomte |
Denis Dobrovolskii | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | denis.dobrovolskii | |
Dominik Domin | ITA/BIATSS | ThéoSim | 349 | dominik.domin | |
Florent Ducrozet | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | florent.ducrozet[at)cnrs.fr | |
Viet Dung Duong | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | viet-dung.duong | |
Marie Erard | Faculty, ICP Deputy Director | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 30 14 | marie.erard |
Baptiste Etcheverry | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | baptiste.etcheverry | |
Céline Ferard | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 75 22 | celine.ferard |
Véronique Feries | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 201 | + 15 32 77 | veronique.feries |
Adrien Gady | PhD Student | CAPRI | 350 | adrien.gady | |
Audrey Gayral | ITA/BIATSS, Instrumentation Service Manager | SI | 349 | + 15 32 88 | audrey.gayral |
Mohamed Nawfal Ghazzal | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 56 02 | mohamed-nawfal.ghazzal |
Sara Giarrusso | Postdoc | ThéoSim | 349 | sara.giarrusso | |
Justin Grill | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | justin.grill | |
Sonia Hadaoui | Postdoc | TEMiC | 349 | sonia.hadaoui | |
Frédéric Halgand | Researcher | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 82 51 | frederic.halgand |
Michel Heininger | Researcher | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 34 58 | michel.heininger |
Sylvie Heron | Faculty | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 33 | sylvie.heron |
Raymond Herren | Volunteer ITA | SI | 350 | + 15 75 77 | raymond.herren |
Philippe Hiberty | Researcher Emeritus | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 61 75 | philippe.hiberty |
Hieu Hoang-Thi | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | hieu.hoang-thi | |
Chantal Houee | Faculty Emerita | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 55 49 | chantal.houee |
Liran Hu | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | liran.hu | |
Christophe Humbert | Researcher, TEMiC Group Leader | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 32 90 | christophe.humbert |
Lea-Maria Ibele | Postdoc | ThéoSim | 349 | lea-maria.ibele | |
Hadrien Jalaber | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 44 38 | hadrien.jalaber |
Nicolas Jestin | ITA/BIATSS | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 32 92 | nicolas.jestin |
Zhiwen Jiang | Researcher | TEMiC | 349 | zhiwen.jiang | |
Masa Johar | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | masa.johar | |
Alisha Khan | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | alisha.khan | |
Williams Kuhn | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 349 | williams.kuhn | |
Isabelle Lampre | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 45 11 | isabelle.lampre |
Jean-Philippe Larbre | ITA/BIATSS | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 30 42 | jean-philippe.larbre |
David Lauvergnat | Researcher | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 44 44 | david.lauvergnat |
Florence Lederer | Volunteer Researcher | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 56 12 | florence.lederer |
Joël Lemaire | Researcher | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 67 17 | joel.lemaire |
Romaric Lenk | ITA/BIATSS | CAPRI | 201 | romaric.lenk | |
Pinnan Li | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | pinnan.li | |
Eunice Lopez | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | eunice.lopez | |
Essyllt Louarn | Faculty | CAPRI | 350 | essyllt.louarn | |
Yuwei Lu | Faculty | TEMiC | 350 | + 15 47 32 | yuwei.lu |
Philippe Maitre | Researcher | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 32 50 | philippe.maitre |
Dimitra Markovitsi | Researcher Emerita | TEMiC | 349 | dimitra.markovitsi | |
Jessica Martinez | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 349 | + 15 61 92 | jessica.martinez |
Jérémie Mathurin | ITA/BIATSS | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 75 09 | jeremie.mathurin |
Israël Mbomekalle | Researcher, ICP Deputy Director | TEMiC | 350 | + 15 41 59 | israel.mbomekalle |
Andrea Mendez | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | andrea.mendez | |
Marie-Claude Menet | Faculty | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 31 | marie-claude.menet |
Hélène Mestdagh | Faculty Emerita | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 56 08 | helene.mestdagh |
Zohreh Moghaddasi | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | zohreh.moghaddasi | |
Mehran Mostafavi | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 78 87 | mehran.mostafavi |
Fathi Moussa | Faculty Emerita | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 31 | fathi.moussa |
Yassine Naciri | Postdoc | TEMiC | 349 | yassine.naciri | |
Van-Oanh Nguyen-Thi | Faculty | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 30 35 | van-oanh.nguyen-thi |
Oliver Nüsse | Faculty, CPSysBio Group Leader | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 76 44 | oliver.nusse |
Jean-Michel Ortega | Volunteer Researcher | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 32 94 | jean-michel.ortega |
Antoine Pallandre | Faculty | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 74 63 | antoine.pallandre |
Helene Pasquier | Faculty | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 42 04 | helene.pasquier |
Gilles Perilhous | ITA/BIATSS | SI | 201 | + 15 32 95 | gilles.perilhous |
Pascal Pernot | Researcher | ThéoSim | 349 | + 15 54 28 | pascal.pernot |
Lich Pham-Ba | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | lich.pham-ba | |
Rui Prazeres | Researcher | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 32 96 | rui.prazeres |
Vien-Duong Quach | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | vien-duong.quach | |
Alireza Ranjbari | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 30 97 | alireza.ranjbari |
Hynd Remita | Researcher | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 72 58 | hynd.remita |
Samy Remita | Faculty | TEMiC | 349 | + 15 44 41 | samy.remita |
Bernard Rieul | ITA/BIATSS | SI | 207A | + 15 32 97 | bernard.rieul |
Carine Roger-Roulling | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 349 | + 15 30 43 | carine.roger-roulling |
Claire Romanzin | Faculty | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 55 80 | claire.romanzin |
Peter Schuerger | Postdoc | ThéoSim | 349 | peter.schuerger | |
Debora Scuderi | Faculty | CAPRI | 201 | + 15 75 74 | debora.scuderi |
Barbora Sedmidubska | PhD Student | TEMiC | 349 | barbora.sedmidubska | |
Xavier Serfaty | Postdoc | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 62 84 | xavier.serfaty |
Cécile Sicard-Roselli | Faculty | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 77 32 | cecile.sicard |
Juliana Silva | Visitor | TEMiC | 349 | juliana.silva | |
Nicolas Solem | PhD Student | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 42 77 | nicolas.solem |
Abderrahmane Tadjeddine | Researcher Emeritus | TEMiC | 201 | + 15 31 02 | abderrahmane.tadjeddine |
Alain Tchapla | Volunteer Researcher | CAPRI | 602 | + 33 61 30 | alain.tchapla |
Anne-Lucie Teillout | Faculty | TEMiC | 350 | + 15 65 26 | anne-lucie.teillout |
Roland Thissen | Researcher, CAPRI Group Leader | CAPRI | 350 | + 15 75 65 | roland.thissen |
Quynh Tran-Thi | PostDoc | CPSysBio | 349 | thi-quynh.tran | |
Elodie van Cracynest | ITA/BIATSS | SG | 349 | + 15 75 80 | elodie.van-cracynest |
Guillaume van der Rest | Faculty, ICP Director | CAPRI | 349/201 | + 15 30 41 | guillaume.van-der-rest |
Raphaël Vangheluwe | PhD Student | ThéoSim | 349 | raphael.vangheluwe | |
Antoine Vite | PhD Student | CPSysBio | 350 | antoine.vite | |
Wafa Zaied | ITA/BIATSS, ICP General Secretary | SG | 349 | + 15 75 75 | wafa.zaied |
Dounia Zamiati | PhD Student | CPSysBio | 350 | + 15 32 85 | dounia.zamiati |