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Ninette Abou Mrad (Associate Prof), Isabelle Billault (Associate Prof-HDR), Myriam Bonose (Associate Prof-HDR), Marine de Person (Associate Prof), Frédéric Halgand (Senior Researcher-HDR), Sylvie Héron (Associate Prof-HDR), Marie-Claude Menet (Prof), Antoine Pallandre (Prof), Guillaume van der Rest (Prof), Philippe Maitre (Senior Researcher), Fathi Moussa (Prof Emeritus), Ines-Isabel de Figeiredo (PhD Student), Terkia Bettioui (PhD Student), Eva Audouin (PhD Student)
Alumni: Ayoub Boulghobra (PhD 19-23), Lucas Lecorgne (PhD 20-23), Jan Bohl (PhD 16-19), Hala Dadi (PhD 15-18), Chiraz El Saddik (PhD 18-22), Yali Wang (PhD 18-22), Francis Berthias (PostDoc 17-19), Viet Nguyen (PostDoc 19-21), Eskander Alhajji (Long-term Visitor 18-22).

The Bio-analysis axis, led by Frédéric Halgand, aims to utilize the diversity of available instruments to perform quantitative analyses of biomolecules related to medical issues. These efforts are carried out in collaboration with various stakeholders in the medical field.

The instruments are grouped into two facilities:

                • SMAS, which includes the Synapt G2 (with TWIMS) and the laser-coupled instruments CLIO (FTICR 7T, RF trap).
                • LETIAM, which features two Triple Quad systems (Shimadzu, Thermo), an LTQ Orbitrap Velos, all coupled with chromatographic methods, and a GC 2D-ISQ.

A flagship activity focuses on studying the lipidome of red blood cells, pursued in the search for biomarkers for Gaucher's disease. In collaboration with APHP (Beaujon Hospital), rapid and sensitive methods have allowed for the quantification of 30 lipid biomarkers in blood plasma (Thesis of Iheb Belarbi).

Development of a new online SPE-HPLC-MS/MS method for profiling and quantifying sphingolipids and phospholipids in red blood cells – Application to the study of Gaucher's disease. [Bettioui2023]

The conformational study of pathogenic proteins, notably prions and α-synuclein, relies on the combination of ion mobility and mass spectrometry. In collaboration with Human Rezaie (VIM Jouy-en-Josas), the team identified the smallest infectious structure of prions before expanding its research to α-synuclein (Thesis of Ines-Isabel de Figueiredo (2021-24)).

Quantification of biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid for early diagnosis of diseases, particularly the metabolomics of dopamine and biopterin, constituted the subject of Ayoub Boulghobra's thesis.

Other collaborative projects include:

                • Analysis of the peptidome in joint fluid to identify biomarkers for osteoarthritis by examining hydrolysis phenomena and post-translational modifications of collagen in partnership with Hôpital Cochin.
                • Development of a rapid diagnostic for organic acidemias through DMS filtering coupled with mass spectrometry, in collaboration with Hôpital Necker (Thesis of Chiraz El Saddik (2018-22)).
                • Study of oxidative stress and the effects of irradiation on living organisms in collaboration with Cécile Sicard in the CPSysBio group.


Cécile Sicard (CPSysBio, ICP), Didier Borderie (Hôpital Cochin, Paris), Jean-François Benoist (Hôpital Necker, Paris), Human Rezaie (VIM, Jouy-en-Josas), Nadia Belmatoug (Hôpital Beaujon, Paris)