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The CAPRI Group

The group consists of 18 researchers and faculty members, three research support staff, and three emeritus professors. On average, there are six PhD students working on their theses, one postdoctoral researcher, and numerous interns at all levels. The group has been led by Roland Thissen since 2018.

The group’s distinctive feature is its distribution across three sites within the Orsay Science Faculty:

                • On the Saclay plateau, within the IUT of Orsay (Building 602), you will find the "LETIAM" team.
                • In the valley, integrated into the IJCLab laboratory infrastructure (Building 201), you will find the CLIO and SMAS platforms, as well as the "MS, IR, and IMS couplings" and "Biostructural mass spectrometry" teams.
                • In the Physical Chemistry building (Building 350), you will find the CERISES platform and the "Ion reactivity", “microfluidics” and "Trace detection" teams.

The group is structured into five research teams across different sites:

MS, IR, and IMS Couplings

Nicolas Jestin (Research Engineer Univ), Romaric Lenk (Research Engineer CNRS), Philippe Maître (Senior Researcher), Debora Scuderi (Professor), Rui Prazeres (Senior Researcher)

This team develops the unique capabilities offered by the SMAS platform. In this context, coupling mass spectrometry with the CLIO FEL infrared lasers, allows for the generation of specific fragments and the characterization of their structure via IRMPD spectroscopy. Other lasers such as UV or OPO lasers allow for ion preparation and spectroscopy in the 3 micron bandwidth.


Kaouther Ben Arfa Haddad (Research Engineer IUT), Ninette Abou-Mrad (Associate Professor), Myriam Bonose (Associate Professor HDR), Marine de Person (Associate Professor), Sylvie Héron (Associate Professor HDR), Marie-Claude Menet (Professor), Fathi Moussa (Emeritus Professor), Alain Tchapla (Volunteer Researcher), Iheb Belarbi (PhD student)

The LETIAM team (Study Center for Techniques and Instruments in Molecular Analysis) focuses on various aspects of analytical chemistry, particularly chromatography and coupled methods.

Ion-Molecule Reactions and VUV Photoionization

Christian Alcaraz (Senior Researcher), Claire Romanzin (Associate Professor), Roland Thissen (Senior Researcher), Nicolas Solem (PhD student)

This team seeks to understand elementary reactivity and provide experimental data for modeling complex environments such as planetary ionospheres, interstellar space, or plasmas.

Trace Detection and microfluidics

Michel Héninger (Researcher HDR), Joël Lemaire (Researcher), Essyllt Louarn (Associate Professor), Hélène Mestdagh (Emeritus Professor), Antoine Pallandre (Professor), Adrien Gady (PhD student)

This team develops microfluidic approaches, instrumentation, and ionization methods aimed at the detection of samples in very small quantities and real-time mass spectrometry analysis.

Biostructural Mass Spectrometry

Isabelle Billault (Associate Professor HDR), Frédéric Halgand (Researcher HDR), Guillaume van der Rest (Professor), Eva Audouin (PhD student)

The team develops methods to utilize mass spectrometry for studying the structures of biological complexes, notably proteins.

The alumnis of the CAPRI Group

Jean-Paul Berthet (Research Engineer CNRS 2020), Estelle Loire (Research Engineer CNRS 2023), François-Damien Delapierre (Valorization Engineer 2021-23), François Glotin (Associate Professor -2021), Jean-Michel Ortega (Emeritus Senior Researcher -2023), Francis Berthias (Post-doc 2017-19), Allan Lopes (Post-doc 2018), Viet Nguyen (Post-doc 2019-21), Taous Abar (PhD student 2021-24), Lucie Arberet (PhD student 2019-23), Terkia Bettioui (PhD student 2021-24), Jan Bohl (PhD student 2016-19), Ayoub Boulghobra (PhD student 2019-22), Hala Dadi (PhD student 2015-18), Chiraz El Saddik (PhD student 2018-22), Ines Isabel de Figueiredo (DOC 2021-24), Yining Jiang (PhD student 2019-22), Lucas Lecorgne (PhD student 2020-23), Sébastien Thomas (PhD student 2014-18), Yali Wang (PhD student 2018-22), Eskander Alhajji (Long-term Visitor 2018-22)